Tropentag 2024:

Explore opportunities... for managing natural resources and a better life for all

September 11 - 13, 2024
organised by
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria

Film Festival

Third Edition of Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival at the Tropentag 2024
Theme: Camelid pastoralism

Sorio festival in Kargi, Marsabit County, Kenya

Wednesday 11 September 2024 - 19:00-22:00 CEST

Room EXNH EH01 - the films will be streamed via whova as well

Announcement poster film festival

To celebrate the International Year of Camelids 2024 (, the Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival presents short films on camelids – camels, dromedaries, alpacas, llamas, vicunas and guanacos – in tropical areas of Africa, Asia and the Andes.
These documentary films seek to deepen understanding of how pastoralist communities gain their livelihoods in dryland and mountainous areas from mobile systems of camelid husbandry. They show the close relationships of the pastoralist men, women and children with their livestock and environment, and how they contribute to sustainable land management through ecologically appropriate use of the resources with well-adapted animals. The films depict camelid husbandry, breeding and trade. They reveal the economic challenges faced by camelid-keepers, especially in gaining fair prices for their products, and the initiatives that pastoralists are taking to improve the local economy and community wellbeing.

Films selected for screening at Tropentag 2024

title of film country of filming filmmakers production year
International Year of Camelids (ILC) 2024 global FAO 2023
Caravanas de las alturas (Caravans of the heights) Argentina Bibiana Vilá 2019
Living with alpacas in the Peruvian Andes Peru Mark Michel 2022
The Kumbhalgarh Raika story India Lokhit Pashu Palak Sansthan 2017
The move India Pinar Ekinci 2023
Old craftsmen Iran Mohsen Siahrizi 2023
The last of their kind: Turkey's nomads Turkey Nevin Sungur & Gunnar Köhne 2022
Tarlamt: salt caravan to Bilma Niger Sarah Lunaček 2024 (filmed 2000)
International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists global Patrick Augenstein & Tseelei Enkh-Amgalan 2023

After the films will be a discussion with filmmaker Sarah Lunaček and other researchers and practitioners in camelid pastoralism.

The Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival ( is organised on behalf of the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) by DITSL (German Institute for Tropical & Subtropical Agriculture), Agrecol Association for AgriCulture & Ecology and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VSF) Belgium. The 1st edition was launched at Tropentag 2019 in Kassel, Germany, and the 2nd at Tropentag 2022 in Prague, Czechia. This 3rd edition for Tropentag 2024 in Vienna, Austria, prepared together with colleagues in the International Support Group for the IYRP 2026, includes a special thematic focus on camelids, to celebrate the International Year of Camelids in 2024.