Mariam Akhtar-Schuster:
Typical Fence-Line Contrasts -- Land Degradation in Southern Namibia


University of Hamburg, Botanical Institute, BIOTA-Southern Africa Project, Germany

Uncontrolled grazing has severe effects on the semi-arid rangelands in Southern Namibia. Alongside fences that separate different land tenure systems, land use induced changes to the phytodiversity were observed in many areas of Namibia. Within the framework of the multidisciplinary BIOTA Southern Africa project research was started in 2001 in order to develop standardised and also feasible concepts for the monitoring of degradation processes and the sustainable utilisation of biodiversity for degraded drylands in southern Africa.

In the Nama-Karoo in southern Namibia, the establishment of one km2 large Biodiversity Observatories at the Gellap Ost Research Station and in the neighbouring Nabaos communal land, respectively, allows interdisciplinary investigation on the impact that different land use intensities have on the environment (JÜRGENS et al. 2001).

Preliminary results so far show that the open grazing system in the communal Nabaos land has led to a decline in the phytodiversity, especially in the low growing life-forms. An overall decrease in the cover values could also be recorded. Comparative field work from the seemingly intact habitats of the Gellap Ost Biodiversity Observatory shows that the loss of vegetation cover in the Nabaos communal land has also led to a decline in microhabitats and food sources for small mammals. A higher species diversity and density was recorded in the regulated farming area of the Gellap Ost Research Station (ZELLER et al. 2001).

We see the possibility that long-term multidisciplinary investigations in the Biodiversity Observatories could supply relevant information for the development of sustainable land use systems and also cost-effective rehabilitation measures for degraded drylands in Namibia.

Keywords: Biodiversity, drylands, land degradation, sustainable development


Contact Address: Mariam Akhtar-Schuster, University of Hamburg, Botanical Institute, BIOTA-Southern Africa Project, Ohnhorststraße 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany, e-mail:
Andreas Deininger, September 2002