Petra Schill, Doris Guenther:
Developing Country Requirements for the Improvement of Food Quality and Safety


German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Rural Development Division, Germany

The importance of food quality and safety for developing countries is not only due to its implications for domestic public health, but also due to the need to meet the continuing challenge of international market access and competitiveness. Key areas of particular concern to developing countries are the improvement of food safety and quality for:

In order for developing countries to cope with with these new challenges, they need to participate more actively in the international standard setting bodies, adapt their regulatory framework and norms to the international standard, increase the effecitveness of government quality control systems, enhance communication and co-ordination between the different actors in the supply chain, introduce in house food quality systems at primary production and food industry level, and increase awareness of civil society on food quality and safety issues.

GTZ experiences in supporting developing countries in fullfilling these requirements will be discussed.


Contact Address: Petra Schill, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Rural Development Division, Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5, 65760 Eschborn, Germany, e-mail:
Andreas Deininger, September 2002