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Tropentag 2020, September 9 - 11, virtual conference, Germany

"Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises"

Enhancing Wheat Production and Productivity through an Integrated Agricultural Technologies

Mezgebu Aynalem

Debre Markos University, Ethiopia


Ethiopia is one of developing countries in the world with subsistence agrarian economy. Considerably large number of population is leaving under poverty line. Now a day, among the world’s agenda, namely climate change, food security and hunger becoming the leading one. In the horn of Africa particularly in Ethiopia, the societies particularly those areas with shortage of land, poor infrastructures and seasonal migrated people with poor feeding habit as well as unproductive young labour wasted throughout the year attract a great attention worldwide.
Wheat is a cereal crop, which is produced in most parts of the country, Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the second next to Egypt in Africa in wheat production which is 4.54 million tons in 2016. The production of wheat in the country is increasing, with fluctuation, from 2 314 489 in 2008 to 4 537 852 tons in 2016 with the average growth rate of 0.094%, so this increment is not this much.
In Ethiopia, wheat grain is used in the preparation of a range of traditional food products such as the traditional staple pancake (“injera”), fermented bread (“dabo”), non-fermented bread (“hambasha/kitta”), porridge (“genfo”), local fermented beer (“tella”), distilled local spirit(“areki”), etc. This shows that wheat is an important market oriented commodity and a major source of income for many wheat growers in Ethiopia; it is crucial for improving their way of life through and food security of developing countries.
Despite of its all importance, there are many problems that hinder the production of wheat in the country. From these challenges lack of market information, low quality of inputs used, weak market linkage, weak use of technology, low bargaining power of producers and post harvest loss etc .
The main goal of this project is to enhance wheat production & productivity through integrated agricultural technologies in Debre Elias District, Ethiopia. It required a total of €76 620.00.

Keywords: Ethiopia, integrated agricultural technologies, wheat

Contact Address: Mezgebu Aynalem, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos, Ethiopia, e-mail: mezgebu12aynalem@gmail.com

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