Tropentag, September 19 - 21, 2016 in Vienna, Austria
"Solidarity in a competing world - fair use of resources"
Food Safety and Hygiene Knowledge and Practice Along the Pastoral Camel Milk Value Chain, Kenya
Nicanor Odongo1, Joseph Matofari2, Peter Lamuka1, George Abong'1
1University of Nairobi, Dept. of Food Science, Nutriton and Technology, Kenya
2Egerton University, Dept. of Dairy, Food Science and Technology, Kenya
Camel milk is faced with a number of challenges, especially poor handling practices that contribute to milk post-harvest losses due to poor quality and safety. The handling practices have been associated with poor knowledge and practices on food hygiene and safety among the camel milk handlers along the pastoral value chain. The study aimed at determining the level of knowledge and practices on food hygiene and safety of camel milk actors along pastoral value chain. Structured questionnaire, focused group discussions and key informant interviews were used to collect data on handling practices along the camel milk value chain. The study focused on three points which include herdsmen who do the milking, women at the cooling and collection centres in Isiolo town and those retailing camel milk in Isiolo and its environs. The study established that herdsmen had significantly (p<0.05) lower knowledge than those retailing and bulking milk in Isiolo town with a mean score of 49% ± 9%. The retailing women in Isiolo scored 62% ± 9%. The women at the collection centre had the highest knowledge with a score of 69% ± 10%. The average score along Isiolo camel milk value chain was 60% ± 9%. Each point showed significant difference (p<0.05) in various questions of knowledge in food safety and hygiene. The respondents showed low knowledge in questions regarding spoilage microorganisms and also effective cleaning of containers. The food safety risk is compounded by consumption of rejected/spoiled milk with 53% of retailers using it. Their was no washing of hands by the herdsmen. Training of the stakeholders can be a way of improving their knowledge on food safety and hygiene
Keywords: Camel milk handlers, food hygiene, food safety, hygiene practices, knowledge
Contact Address: Nicanor Odongo, University of Nairobi, Dept. of Food Science, Nutriton and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya, e-mail: obieronicanoryahoo.com