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Tropentag, September 17 - 19, 2013 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim

"Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum"

Assessment of Local Knowledge and Traditional Uses of Acacia senegal in Rural Areas of North Kordofan, Sudan

Muneer Elyas Siddig Eltahir1, Mohamed E. Osman Elsayed1, Mohammed Adam Abbas Hamad2

1University of Kordofan, Gum Arabic Research Centre, Sudan
2University of Kordofan, Rural Extension and Social Development, Sudan


This study was conducted in rural villages of North Kordofan State, Sudan in the year 2013. The study assessed the local knowledge related to the different uses of all parts of Acacia senegal (Gum Arabic tree). The study also investigated the role of this local knowledge in protection and conservation of Acacia senegal. Primary quantitative and qualitative data were collected from the social survey, direct interview and group discussion. Thirty questionnaires were randomly distributed among the rural community who produce and practised gum tapping and collection. The interview covered also those who use Acacia senegal for medicinal purposes and traditional uses as jobs. Content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis were applied. The main findings are: Acacia senegal is multi-purpose tree. Each part of this tree (roots, root nodes, bark, wood, leaves, flowers, gum, pods and seeds) is used in special traditional or medicinal use. There were more than forty uses for the Acacia senegal parts. People use different parts of Acacia senegal as food, drink, medicine, culture, believes and norms. Hundred percent of the people acquired their local knowledge from their ancestors and local environment. Poems, wisdoms and says related to Acacia senegal played an effective role in protection and conservation of the trees. It contributed to conservation of large areas of Hashab gardens. The study concluded that Acacia senegal in North Kordofan is the valuable tree due to its wide range of distribution and uses. It is recommended that, this local knowledge should be documented and transmitted so as to assure protection and conservation of Acacia senegal by farmer generations.

Keywords: Acacia senegal, Gum Arabic, traditional uses, medicinal uses

Contact Address: Muneer Elyas Siddig Eltahir, University of Kordofan, Gum Arabic Research Centre, El gamaa Street, 51111 Elobeid, Sudan, e-mail: moneer129@yahoo.com

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