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Tropentag, September 17 - 19, 2013 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim

"Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum"

Adoption of Innovations and Farmer's Attitude to Advisory Services within Rural Areas of Kembata Tembaro Zone, Ethiopia

Lenka Peskova1, Jana Mazancova1, Milan Slavik2

1Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech Republic
2Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Institute of Education and Communication, Czech Republic


The research located in Kembata Tembaro zone was connecting the evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data collected for the purpose of recognising decision-making strategies of small-scale farmers in the area. Among the specific conditions of the zone belong overpopulation and soil erosion. The main aim of the research was to find approach and strategy of farmers to adopt innovations. Within the research, 125 small-scale farmers were asked by formal interview. The balanced target groups regarding gender and status (model farmer and following farmer) were surveyed in five areas (kebeles). The data were collected in September-November 2012. The data were evaluated by SPSS statistical software (descriptive statistics, Chi-square, odds-ratio). The results show that there exists statistically important correlation between the status of farmer (p < 0.1, r = 0. 4), personal attitude (p < 0.05, r = 0.182), willingness to pay for advisory services (p < 0.01, r = 0.311), contribution within the working group (p < 0.1, r = 0.147) and decision-making to adopt the innovation. On the other hand, agricultural advisory services are wide and multidimensional topic. There exist many other factors contributing to decision-making strategies, which can be explained by personal character, by previous experiences of farmers, by communication style of advisor and governmental implementation strategies. Balanced approach to implementation of innovation is important. The research results can be utilised as a supportive material for development of institutional strategies of extension services and implementation of new technologies. The results of the paper can provoke other topic related studies.

Keywords: Adoption, decision-making, Ethiopia, implementation, innovation, small-scale farmers

Contact Address: Lenka Peskova, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Machateho 679, 152 00 Prague, Czech Republic, e-mail: lenka.pesek@gmail.com

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