Tropentag, October 7 - 9, 2008 in Hohenheim
"Competition for Resources in a Changing World: New Drive for Rural Development"
Avian Influenza Control in Indonesia: A Situation Overview and Operational Research Approaches of ILRI targeting HPAI Control Options and their Feasibility in Backyard Poultry
Fred Unger1, Jeff Mariner1, Bernard Bett1, Melissa McLaws1, Sally Crafter1, Christine Jost1, Walujo Budi Priyono2, Elly Sawitri Siregar3
1International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya
2Disease Investigation Center Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3Campaign Management Unit, MoA, Indonesia
HPAI has become endemic in most parts of Indonesia despite the interventions that have been implemented by the government and international organisations. The current situation and applied control measures will be shortly presented and discussed. The main programme increasingly implemented in Indonesia is the Participatory Disease Surveillance and Response (PDSR), an active search for AI like cases on village level followed by adapted control measures in case of an outbreak. Although the PDSR programme was able to sensitize farmers on the clinical manifestation of the disease as well as simple measures that can be applied in the villages to prevent exposure and limit spread, there is a growing fear that the persistence of the disease in the country is causing apathy amongst the farmers and PDSR officers. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) has profound experience on participatory approaches and expanded its activities recently also to SE Asia, Indonesia. One of the ILRI research activities in Indonesia is the Operational Research Project (ORI). The overall objective is to determine and evaluate different control strategies (treatment sets) that would work under the local circumstances. The study targets backyard chickens and the treatment sets to be evaluated include: preventive mass vaccination against AI, preventive mass vaccination against AI and Newcastle disease, and culling with compensation fully provided. The baseline treatment level would be the control measures being implemented by the PDSR program, which include disinfection, community education and focal (voluntary) culling as compensation funds are often not available. The main research will be supported by limited targeted research activities like specific vaccination trials and sensitivity/ specificity studies on the currently applied PDSR programme. In addition base line data will be collected for each District (e.g. on household level, poultry movement and population). Selected preliminary results of the on-going project will be presented.
Keywords: Avian Influenza, backyard poultry, poultry control, Indonesia
Contact Address: Fred Unger, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Market Theme, 88/66 Park Parvilion No.88 soi-Phaholyothin 7 Phaholyothin-Road Phayathai, 10400 Bangkok, Thailand, e-mail: f.unger cgiar.org