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Tropentag, October 7 - 9, 2008 in Hohenheim

"Competition for Resources in a Changing World:
New Drive for Rural Development"

Evaluation of Factors that Influence Animal Pedigree and Performance Recording in Kenya

C.B. Wasike1, Kurt-Johannes Peters1, A.K. Kahi2

1Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute of Animal Sciences, Germany
2Egerton University, Department of Animal Sciences, Kenya


An effective animal recording system aims at collecting information on uniquely identified animals in production units, processing of the information and dissemination of the results for use in decision making at various production levels. In Kenya, a centralised recording system does not exist, however livestock recording is done voluntarily by producers at varied scale and intensity. To enhance recording, three organisations namely the Livestock Recording Centre (LRC), the Dairy Recording Services of Kenya (DRSK) and the Kenya Studbook (KSB) were set up to do pedigree recording and animal registration, and data collection on performance traits and evaluation which, consequently led to establishment of an animal recording scheme to facilitate nation animal genetic evaluation. At onset, the producers were motivated to send records to the recording organisations for evaluation, however with time the enthusiasm waned resulting into withdrawal from the recording scheme by some producers and some stopping on farm recording too. This paper aims at evaluating factors that influence animal recording at farm and national level with a view of getting possible ways of intervention. Using quantitative, qualitative and participatory methods, SWOT analysis is performed. Animal recording is divided into three stages; animal identification and registration, pedigree and performance recording, and genetic evaluation and data utilisation. Factors within the recording system that facilitate animal recording are considered strengths whereas those which limit animal recording were classified as weaknesses. On the other hand, factors outside the recording system are considered as opportunities if they facilitate animal recording and as threats if they undermine recording. A SWOT matrix is used to derive strategic combinations of factors that are then evaluated as possible interventions to enhance system's efficiency. Results from this study will be used in the definition of action arena in the subsequent institutional analysis of the system.

Keywords: Animal recording, SWOT

Contact Address: Kurt-Johannes Peters, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Animal Breeding in the Tropics and Subtropics, Philippstraße 13, 10115 Berlin, Germany, e-mail: k.peters@rz.hu-berlin.de

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