Tropentag, October 5 - 7, 2004 in Berlin
"Rural Poverty Reduction through Research for Development and Transformation"
Appraisal of Drinking Water Resources of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Thomas Nuber, Harro Stolpe
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Environmental Engineering and Ecology, Germany
Within the last few years there was a rapid economical growth in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. An increase of domestic and industrial water demand as well as an increase of ground and surface water pollution was observed. Thus, especially in the rural areas water supply is a problem of increasing significance. Surface water for instance which is often used for drinking water purposes is highly polluted by agro-chemicals and other organic pollutants (e.g. inflow of untreated waste water). Implementation of decentralised water management systems in rural areas are the main topic of the interdisciplinary SANSED-Project.
One part of the SANSED-Project is the depiction and appraisal of the potential drinking-water resources. Ground water, rain water and surface water are used for drinking water purposes. The main objective of this research is the development of a method to identify problems related to the water supply situation.
Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the potential drinking water sources. Field investigations regarding yield, quality and usability as well as demand and actual use of ground water, surface water and rainwater are carried out at two selected study sites in the Mekong Delta. Hydrogeological methods as well as self-developed methods to evaluate the technical conditions of water supply facilities (wells, pumps, etc.) are developed and adapted to the local boundary conditions. Additionally water samples were taken and analysed on chemical and microbiological parameters.
Besides field work at those two study sites investigations for a surrounding area were carried out. Data on hydrogeological, hydrological and climate are collected at local authorities and institutions to get a better understanding of the system and to identify problems on a larger scale. Therefore it is possible to categorise and identify „zones of similar conditions“. Based upon those results a sustainable water supply concept including technical solutions (e.g. water treatment) should be developed.
Keywords: Applied methods, groundwater, Mekong Delta, rural, surfacewater, Vietnam, water supply
Contact Address: Thomas Nuber, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Environmental Engineering and Ecology, Universitätsstraße 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany, e-mail: thomas.nuberrub.de