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Tropentag, October 5 - 7, 2004 in Berlin

"Rural Poverty Reduction
through Research for Development and Transformation"

Establishment of the Centre of Agricultural Education in Bie Province, Angola

Bohumil Havrland1, Jana Mazancova1, Jiri Hejkrlik1, Petra Holikova1, Petr Holecek1, Michael Spicka1, Santos Victor Ferreira2

1Czech University of Agriculture, Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, Czech Republic
2Czech University of Agriculture, Department of Crop Sciences and Agroforestry in Tropics and Subtropics, Czech Republic


A long civil war in Angola was finished only two years ago. The consequences have deeply influenced the whole country, in particular the economy situation. The priority of the post-war rehabilitation is re-encouraging food security of the country which is obviously connected to the development of agriculture. The aim of this project is establishment of agricultural educational centre in the province Bie (located in the central Angola and occupying 72 000 km2). The establishment of the centre will help in solving food problems and at the same time in generating of new labour opportunities. The educational activity of the Centre can also support local governmental effort to prevent from migration of rural inhabitants.
The project has been realised as a bilateral development project of Czech Official Development Assistance. The involved partners are Institute of Tropics and Subtropics / Czech University of Agriculture Prague, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on the Czech side and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreigner Affairs and Government of Bie on the Angolan side; apart from these the cooperation of local FAO representatives is ensured. The project duration is three years with the budget of 8 mil. CZK (266 600 EUR).
The project implementation is in its second year now. The preparation phase including localisation of a suitable place for the Centre in Kuito, provision of teaching materials and equipment for theoretical and practical training and preparation of syllabus and study programs of the Centre, was finished. The four-membered team has started teaching 100 students in March. The partial aims to be fulfilled this year are establishing poultry breeding (training and food) and providing continuous extension services for local farmers. The long-term aims include opening of agricultural centre in Andulo, reconstruction of the research station in Ceilunga (cooperation with FAO) and upgrading the Centre to the Polytechnic Institute.

Keywords: Agriculture, Angola, Czech official development assistance, education, rural development

Contact Address: Jiri Hejkrlik, Czech University of Agriculture Prague, Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, Kamycka 129, 165 21 Prague, Czech, e-mail: hejkrlik@email.cz

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