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Deutscher Tropentag, October 9 - 11, 2002 in Kassel-Witzenhausen

"Challenges to Organic Farming and Sustainable Land Use
in the Tropics and Subtropics"

Doe Productivity of Kacang and Peranakan Etawah Goats and Factors Affecting them in Indonesia

Akhmad Sodiq1, Soedito Adjisoedarmo2, Ezzat S. Tawfik1

1University of Kassel, Department of International Animal Husbandry, Germany
2University of Jenderal Soedirman, Department of Animal Production, Indonesia


Indonesia is situated between the 6° to 11° north latitudes and 95° and 141° east longitudes. Temperature 23-31°C daily in the low plains and 18-27°C in the lower plateau. Indonesia consists of 17,000 islands, land area covers 1.8 million km2. In Indonesia nearly 99% of small ruminants like goats and sheep are found with smallholders. The contribution of goats for income is substantial.

The major breeds of goat in Indonesia are the Kacang (indigenous) and Peranakan Etawah. Kacang is a local breed of goat, relatively small, compact body frame, erect ears and short horn. Peranakan Etawah goats descend from crossings between the Kacang with Etawah (Jamnapari) goats. Known as PE goats, are distinctly different from Kacang goats with a larger body frame, long hanging ears, convex face and larger horns.

This study aims to ascertain the level of productivity of PE and Kacang goat, and to identify factors affecting production level under a Village Production System.

The study commenced in 1999 and finishes in 2002. Records of to 280 (PE) and 200 (Kacang) does have been kept by smallholders at Purworejo and Grobogan. Parity, birth type, litter weight at birth, litter weight at weaning (of doe); and birth weight, growth rate till weaning, weaning weight, body scoring and leg conformation index (of kid) were examined. The data were analysed with a general linear model.

The curves are similar to the findings of Anggraeni et al. (1995) and Sodiq (2000, 2001) who recorded mortality rate till weaning at less than 10%. Birth type of PE and Kacang goats were affected by parity. Kidding difficulties was not affected by parity, birth type and litter weight. Birth type, weight at birth and weaning, and growth rate till weaning were affected by parity, birth type and sex.

Keywords: Goat production, Indonesia

Contact Address: Akhmad Sodiq, University of Kassel, Department of International Animal Husbandry, Steinstraße 19, 37213 Witzenhausen, Germany, e-mail: pohlner@wiz.uni-kassel.de

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